Sodi World Series

The biggest worldwide go-karts ranking!

The Sodi World Series give you the opportunity to participate in go-kart races all year long, wherever you are all around the world within the international SWS tracks' network. Gather enough ranking points to compete at the finals in Europe 2025! 

Adrenaline Sports will help sponsor any of our drivers that qualify for the finals in 2025. ($2000 towards airfare and also pay for the registration fees for the international final) 

Without any constraints of time, place or gear, on your nearest track or on the most prestigious tracks of the world, have fun on your own or with your friends.

A yearly ranking, enhanced by an international Final

The SODI World Series Finals gather each year the very best worldwide 360 SWS drivers on a 4-days intense competitions event. Based on the Sodi W Series ranking, the best drivers & teams (among 100.000 registered drivers) compete during a whole year on our partner tracks all around the world to get their precious ticket for this great event.

Drive as you feel & win points race after race to improve your position in the championship.

Check your performances on the Sodi World Series website through personalised statistics, allowing you to compare yourself with your friends & with drivers from all over the world !

The SWS is open to everyone, the Sodi World Series is a fantastic way of enjoying karting differently, and for the best of you, to get your driver's skills tested on the Sodi World Finals !

Suscribe for free, choose your racing category & put the pedal to the metal !

The SODI W FINALS welcome each year more than 360 drivers from 5 continents



How to Register:

Sign up and join the biggest worldwide leisure go-karts ranking, without owning a kart.


1. Scan the QR Code / or click the link below          

2. Register on the Sodi World Series Website

3. Register Adrenaline Sports as your affiliated track 

4. Go to Adrenaline Sports Track page on SWS 

5. Register for Monthly Races


How it works and Costs: 

Drivers and teams must be registered on SWS site as well as nominate to drive in specific events hosted by Adrenaline Sports. (Drivers can also nominate for international events as well, if travelling overseas and points will accrue to their Australian ranking)

Registration for specific events usually close 24 hrs before the event begins.

Please call the track if you miss the cut off deadline as we might be able to register you as a latecomer. Ph 07 45993137


SWS Sprint Event (for individual drivers)

2nd Thursday of the month at 6pm.

Drivers must nominate/register for specific events.

Qually plus 1x10min race $50pp/race We run 2 race events per night to accrue more National ranking points.


SWS Endurance Team Event

held every 4th Thursday of the month at 6pm.

2-4 drivers on the night (can have up to 10 drivers registered per team.)

Teams must register for specific events.

Qually plus 100 lap race (team shares the laps) $180 per team.



Adrenaline Sports SWS Dates 2024:

Adrenaline Sports SWS events are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month. 


Sprint 14th

Enduro 28th 


Sprint 14th

Enduro 28th 


Sprint 9th

Enduro 30th


Sprint 13th

Enduro 20th


Sprint 11th

Enduro 25th 


Sprint 15th

Enduro 29th 


Sprint 12th

Enduro 26th 


Sprint 10th

Enduro 24th 


Sprint 14th

Enduro 28th 


Sprint 12th

Enduro 19th